Dependency Injection And Inversion Of Control

Dependency injection and inversion of control are two key concepts in software development that are often misunderstood and confused with each other. In this blog post, I will explain these concepts in a unique way that will help you understand them better.

Dependency Injection :

Let's start with dependency injection. In simple terms, dependency injection is a design pattern that allows objects to be created with their dependencies instead of creating them within the object. For example, consider a class that requires an instance of another class to perform its functions. In traditional object-oriented programming, you would create an instance of the dependent class within the class that requires it. With dependency injection, you would pass an instance of the dependent class to the constructor of the class that requires it, or through a setter method.

The main benefit of dependency injection is that it makes your code more modular and easier to test. By decoupling your code from its dependencies, you can easily swap out one dependency for another, or use a mock object for testing. This makes it easier to write unit tests and to maintain your code over time.

Example (by Constructor):

Example with constructor dependency :

Suppose you have a class called BankAccount that represents a bank account with a balance and methods for depositing and withdrawing funds:

public class BankAccount {
    private double balance;

    public BankAccount(double initialBalance) {
        balance = initialBalance;

    public void deposit(double amount) {
        balance += amount;

    public void withdraw(double amount) {
        balance -= amount;

    public double getBalance() {
        return balance;

Now suppose you want to create another class called Bank that manages multiple BankAccount objects. To do this, you might create a Bank class that has an array of BankAccount objects as an instance variable:

public class Bank {
    private BankAccount[] accounts;

    public Bank(int numAccounts) {
        accounts = new BankAccount[numAccounts];
        for (int i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
            accounts[i] = new BankAccount(0);

    public void transfer(int from, int to, double amount) {

In this Bank class, the transfer method depends on the BankAccount class to function correctly. The transfer method calls the withdraw and deposit methods on BankAccount objects to move money between accounts. Without the BankAccount class, the transfer method would not be able to function correctly.

So in this example, the construction dependency is between the Bank class and the BankAccount class. The Bank class depends on the BankAccount class to provide the functionality it needs to manage multiple accounts.

Inversion Of Control :

Now, let's move on to inversion of control. Inversion of control is a broader concept that encompasses dependency injection. In simple terms, inversion of control means that control over the flow of your application is inverted or handed over to a framework or container. Instead of your code controlling the creation and lifecycle of objects, the framework or container does it for you.

This is where dependency injection comes in. The framework or container injects the dependencies into your objects, instead of you creating them manually. This allows the framework or container to manage the dependencies and to provide additional functionality, such as object pooling, caching, and lazy loading.

The main benefit of inversion of control is that it makes your code more modular, scalable, and maintainable. By handing over control to a framework or container, you can focus on writing business logic instead of worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This makes it easier to write code that is flexible and can adapt to changing requirements over time.

Example :

we have a class called PaymentProcessor that is responsible for processing payments. We'll use inversion of control to allow the caller of PaymentProcessor to provide the payment method to be used, rather than having PaymentProcessor create the payment method object itself.

public class PaymentProcessor {
    public void processPayment(PaymentMethod paymentMethod, double amount) {

In the example above, the PaymentProcessor class has a method called processPayment() that takes an instance of PaymentMethod and a double amount as parameters. It then calls the charge() method on the PaymentMethod object to process the payment.

To use the PaymentProcessor class, we'll create an instance of it and provide the PaymentMethod object as a parameter.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor = new PaymentProcessor();
        PaymentMethod paymentMethod = new CreditCardPayment("1234-5678-9012-3456", "John Doe", "01/23", "123");
        double amount = 100.0;
        paymentProcessor.processPayment(paymentMethod, amount);

In the example above, we're creating an instance of PaymentProcessor and an instance of CreditCardPayment, which implements the PaymentMethod interface. We're then passing the CreditCardPayment object and an amount of 100.0 to the processPayment() method on PaymentProcessor.

Overall, this simple example demonstrates how inversion of control can make code more modular and flexible by allowing the caller to provide objects to a method, rather than having the method create them itself. This can make it easier to change the behavior of a class by swapping out dependencies, and it can make code more testable by allowing us to pass in mock objects for testing purposes.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, dependency injection and inversion of control are two key concepts in software development that can help you write more modular, testable, and maintainable code. By understanding these concepts and applying them to your code, you can improve the quality of your software and make it easier to maintain over time.